Saturday, February 25, 2017

Gathering Information

Horowitz Travel-Israel-Jerusalem-Feeling it-January 24, 2017

David wanted to come to Jerusalem, walk the streets, & feel the people. Today we did all that & what we felt were sore feet, knees, & backs.

Liberty Bell Park is near us & it had been suggested that we walk through it. There was a restaurant at the other end, so why not? The park was established in 1976, in honor of the bicentennial of the U.S. There is a replica of the bell, but, that aside, the 9 acre expanse is dedicated for use by "All the Children of Abraham." It's one of the most popular & culturally diverse parks in the city & features activities for all ages as well as outdoor theater & music venues. 

We didn't like the menu at the restaurant we'd chosen so continued on thinking we'd be able to meet up with Ben Yehuda Pedestrian Mall. We had to meet a woman at 4 PM & were running short of time. We turned around & ate closer to our meeting place.

David realized he'd left his sunglasses at a pharmacy we'd stopped at in the other direction. We thought we'd check to see if they'd found them. The problem was the pharmacist didn't speak English, & David didn't know the word for glasses. Before we went upstairs to the pharmacy (what do disabled do?) we stopped at a kiosk selling sunglasses, learned the word, & sure enough, she knew exactly what he meant & had saved them for him.

How do you drive a car from Florida to Jerusalem? Impossible. Ship it? Out-of-sight expensive. Yet, we saw such a license plate on a car parked on the street. Curious.

The woman we met, Robin, is from the LGBT community. She's a social worker who has lived here decades. We thought we'd learn more about the legalities of the Community, but she was unfamiliar with laws regarding employment & housing discrimination. She personally has not had any problems with the system, but admitted that transgender people had it harder. She & her partner had been married by a Reform Rabbi here. They each bore a child by artificial insemination (paid by insurance). Since "gay" marriage isn't recognized by the government, when they split, there were and are issues regarding custody of the children.

Tomorrow we're taking Terry, Ron, Stuart, & Ellyn out to lunch to reciprocate as best we can.


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