Thursday, March 2, 2017

A Mall's a Mall

Horowitz Travel-Israel -Jerusalem -January 31, 2017

Most everyone at Stuart's party was sick or got sick afterwards except for Stuart, Terry, & Ron. Many use the same clinic we did & like it. Expectations change with time & exposure.

The "emet ( truth): It is a garbage strike. People were protesting the government's not cleaning the streets. Garbage overflowed onto the light rail tracks. Kindergartens were closed & schools were dismissed early.

Which brings me to Malha Mall. Where do kids go when school's out? Coincidentally, that was our destination today. It's three stories & sprawling. The food court is extensive. The food as unimpressive as our courts & in the middle is a two story cage enclosing a play area with everything a kid could want including a seating area for parents. Our table was right next to the webbing. It felt as if we were at a human zoo. We didn't stay long. I wanted to rest before Shaul & Tanya picked us up for dinner.

We know them from seminary days. He was dean & on faculty of Hebrew Union College (the seminary) in Jerusalem. She owned & ran a consignment shop. They're interesting people. She's from Uruguay, & they met in Israel when students. They have two biological children & one adopted Ethiopian son who came with the Operation Solomon Airlift. There are eleven grandchildren total. They're going on a family vacation this summer, but the Ethiopian family is too Orthodox to join them.

Time to plan tomorrow's activities.


Play Area at Mall

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